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The CRM Marathon: Rest Breaks

by Raquel Lewis, CRM Success Consultant and Chris Fritsch, Client Success Consultant

When running a CRM marathon, you can sometimes become so focused on keeping up the pace that you forget to enjoy the scenery along the way. But if you sprint from the starting line at full speed, you can quickly lose steam. Instead, you need to maintain a steady pace – and it’s ok to give yourself some breaks along the way to catch your breath.

Taking small breaks during a marathon can actually be beneficial. They give you a chance to get your bearings and appreciate just how far you have come. You may also need time to reassess priorities. Perhaps an unexpected technical issue has taken the IT team off track, or training users is taking longer than expected. While these issues can seem exhausting, you can work through them if you just take the time needed to determine the best course forward. Soon you will be patting them on the back and the finish line will be in sight…

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